Conditions Treated
Whiplash is the act of hyperflexion and hyperextension of the neck or lower back, usually from a quick change in direction of the person's body. The most common example of this is from a car accident or a sports injury. The patient will usually present with limited range of motion and localized discomfort. Many times symptoms are common down the arm or leg immediately after the injury or will present later in onset. Weakness in an arm or leg can also be common. Your doctor will usually take x-rays or get imaging to help rule out any fractures or dislocations. Adjustments to the affected area can help improve range of motion and help decrease inflammation that is causing pain. Exercises and other pain relieving modalities may be used or prescribed for at home to also help.
Also referred to as twisted neck or wry neck. This occurs due to inappropriate firing and spasming of the neck muscles, particularly the sternocleidomastoid. The patient will often present with a lot of pain with their head bent to the affected side. Any range of movement is difficult towards the affected direction. A person often reports going to bed with no symptoms and waking up with this pain. This can also occur in babies due to the traumatic birth process. Your chiropractor can help work on some of these muscles to help loosen the spasming. They can also provide some manipulation to the joints where the muscles attach to provide more movement in the spine and thus allows the muscle to loosen as well.
Temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ is characterized by jaw pain experienced on one side of the jaw or both sides. It can be experienced by men or women, at any age. The patient typically described a popping or clicking sound in the affected joint when opening and closing the jaw.The patient usually has an extensive historyof gum chewing or chewing on hard candy throughout the day. Because of the close association in muscles between the jaw and neck, manipulation and therapy to the neck will be performed by your chiropractor to help alleviate your symptoms. Many times your chiropractor will work in adjunct with your dentist to get a mouth guard to help in the correction of your jaw pain.
This occurs from spasming or tightening of the deep neck muscles (scalenes) that compress the nerves and blood vessels as they leave the spine or branch near the collarbone. Patients will often complain of localized neck pain with radiation into parts of the hand or the whole hand. Swelling of the hands can also occur. Many times joints in the lower neck and upper back become tight and fixated and this can lead to tightness in the muscles that attach to these joints. Getting movement in these joints, as well as in the shoulder and clavicle can help relieve compression on these nerves and blood vessels.
This is a common condition in the elbow that results from overuse. It is more commonly seen in males age 30-50. It is especially common in carpenters, mechanics and jobs where you do a lot of rotating at your elbow. The patient will report pain or burning along the outside of the elbow (Tennis elbow) or inside of the elbow (golfer's elbow). During an exam, loss of elbow range of motion or decreased grip strength can be seen. Your chiropractor can help reduce the strain seen at your elbow by working on the muscles that make up the flexors and extensors of your wrist. They will also provide adjustments at the elbow, shoulder, mid back or neck to help ensure proper movement at all of these joints
Many young children suffer from ear infections. Your inner ear consists of 2 canals that are both vertical and horizontal. The vertical canal is the one that acts to drain your middle ear, however this does not develop until later in adolescence, thus the reason many babies and toddlers develop ear infections so easily. You also have a lymphatic chain that runs along the front of your neck that drains any infections out of your head. Misalignment in the upper neck can cause muscle tightness that compresses the lymphatic system and keeps infection from draining out of the ears. Chiropractors can help work these tight muscles to help facilitate drainage of the ears and reduce the amount of symptoms that are being experienced.
Bed wetting through the grade school age is a common condition that affects some adolescent children. There is a large complex of nerves that runs from your lower back and sacrum that control the intestines and bladder. When misalignment in these areas occur, it can prevent proper communication from the nerves that signal that your bladder is full to your brain telling you to use the bathroom. These misalignments can be caused through the trauma of birth or the act of constant falling when trying to learn to walk. Chiropractors can help correct these misalignments in the lower back and sacrum. They can also talk to you about activities that can be modified daily, such as monitoring your child's bathroom schedule and fluid intake during the day.
Patients will present to the clinic with a recent onset of an injury, many times caused by a specific event such as a fall or trauma. The patient will report localized discomfort to the affected area. There will often be a limit in range of motion of the neck or lower back, particularly bending forward or bringing their head towards their chest. Movement also reproduces their pain. Tenderness is elicited on palpation of the injured area. Pain relieving modalities may be used by your chiropractor to help reduce the inflammation and swelling to the affected joint. Manipulation will be done in the areas around the direct trauma at first and then to the damaged area once pain goes down and the patient is able to tolerate treatment.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition where the median nerve becomes compressed in the carpal tunnel that forms in the wrist. It can cause numbness, tingling and pain in the wrist, up into the forearm and into the fingers. It affects the thumb, index and middle finger of the affected hand. It typically affects patients in their 30s to 50s. Other factors can cause compression in the carpal tunnel such as pregnancy or diabetes, but the most common cause is job related. Patients who do repetitive work such as typing or the useof tools throughout the day are at greater risk to develop this condition. Chiropractic care can help loosen the bones that make up the carpal tunnel. When moving freely, there is less compression on the median nerve that causes your symptoms. Strengthening exercises and work place ergonomics can also be reviewed to help manage your symptoms.
Biceps tendonitis commonly presents as achy pain along the front of the shoulder. A typical complaint is pain with overhead activity or with lifting heavy objects. Pain is vague throughout the front of the shoulder. Cause of this condition is usually due to overuse. Forward, rounded shoulders as a result of bad posture or poor desk ergonomics can make people more prone to developing this condition. Many times the patient will report a lot of stiffness in the upper back, which your chiropractor can help treat and will allow your shoulders to move back into a more suitable position.
Ankle sprains are the most common sports injury that occurs yearly. The most common sprains involve the injury to the ligaments along the outside of your ankle from turning your foot inward. Patient will report significant pain and swelling to the affected area. They will have trouble walking and most range of motion will be limited and reproduce their pain. If left untreated, ankle sprains are more common to reoccur. Your chiropractor can work on your ankle to help reduce the inflammation and move the swelling out ofthe ankle. Adjustments can help restore range of motion to the joint. Strengthening exercises may also be prescribed to help restore balance and muscle strength to the ankle.
Stenosis is the narrowing of the space in the spinal canal or where the nerve roots exit the spine. It is commonly caused by degenerative changes in the spine causing the discs or ligaments of the spine to protrude into the spinal canal. It affects the middle aged and elderly population. A cramping sensation (claudication) and weakness can commonly be experienced in the buttock, thigh or leg. This is more commonly seen in women and patients report an improvement when bending forward. When you flex forward, the opening for your spinal cord reaches it maximum circumference. That's why it is important for chiropractors to adjust your spine to ensure that you are getting full range of motion to allow your spine to meet its optimal range of motion.
This is known as any forward slipping of one vertebra on the one below. This can occur in the neck, but is much more prevalent in the lower back. This condition is commonly seen in women over 40 years of age. Pain is worse when extending your neck or back and in the morning. This diagnosis is made primarily via x-rays. Many times with this condition, patients will have a lot of muscle guarding as a means to prevent further injury. Your chiropractor can provide adjustments to the areas around the affected joint to help restore motion to the spine. As a result, the pain and spasming will go down.
Shin splints are an injury that affects the front of your lower leg. Starting a new activity or a change in training intensity of a current activity often causes it. The patient will report dull pain and tenderness with increased activity. They may feel a dull ache at night. No swelling or discoloration is usually noted. Weakness may be found in the affected muscles, but this is not common. Treatment to the affected muscles can help reduce inflammation and tenderness. Chiropractic manipulation to the ankle, knee, hip and lower back can help restore proper motion to the joints that are used the most while running. Your doctor may assess your running or walking motion to determine if a change in your gait would be appropriate to help your condition long term.
Pronation, or flat feet, is a condition that affects the middle of your foot.The muscles and ligaments that comprise your archhave become weakened to the point that your arch collapses. Your arch in your foot acts like a spring to help propel you forward and when it become faulty other joints must take on this strain. This will result in injury and discomfort to your foot or leg. Your chiropractor can help maintain proper motion in the joints of your feet. There are also exercises and orthotics for your shoes that may be prescribed if deemed appropriate for you.
The rotator cuff consists of 4 muscles that run from the shoulder blade and attach to the top of the arm. Impingement occurs when the shoulder blade moves forward in relation to the upper arm. This action pushes on the rotator cuff, specifically the supraspinatus, causing pain. The patient will often report feeling a catching in the shoulder on range of motion. Forward elevation of the arm will reproduce the pain. Decreased range of motion of the shoulder is commonly seen. Manipulation to your upper back and neck with allow you to keep your shoulders farther back and prevent the rotator cuff from becoming impinged.
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, usually towards your dominant hand. Diagnosis can be made by feeling up and down the spine, but is usually confirmed by x-ray. If caught at a young age where the maturity of your bones is not yet met, bracing can be used to help prevent this from progressing further. Adjustments to the spine by your chiropractor can help prevent this curve from progressing farther if the curve isn't too extreme. If the curve is large and bracing is being used, adjustments are a great adjunct therapy to help insure that your spine is moving and aligned properly.
Sciatica is pain that is located in the gluteal region that radiates down an area of your leg often to your foot. This is due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve or something compressing on the nerve itself. The patient can present with numbness or tingling in the affected area. Weakness in parts of the leg can be seen depending on the severity of the sciatica. Symptoms are most commonly seenin men ages 40-50. It is important for your chiropractor to assess what is causing your sciatica to make sure that treatment done to you is appropriate for your condition. That may consist of manipulation of the spine, pain relieving modalities or strengthening/corrective exercises.
Lower back pain is a common condition many women experience throughout pregnancy. As the baby grows through each term, the result is an increase in the tilt of their pelvis, which increases the curve in your lower back, resulting in pain. Pregnancy commonly causes women to retain fluid, which can then compress nerves resulting in numbness and tingling in the arms or legs. Many gynecologists suggest chiropractic care for their pregnant patients as it helps relieve pain without the use of over-the-counter medication that they are unable to take due to the harm it will cause the baby. Our clinic has special tables that can be adjusted to allow women to lie on their stomach comfortably without any pressure being put on the baby. Manipulation to the spine is a safe and effective way to reduce the strain and discomfort on the joints that the baby is creating. It is an extremely safe way for both the mother and baby to make your pregnancy more comfortable.
Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. It is a result of biomechanical imbalances in your foot that put strain on the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a thick tissue that supports the bottom of your foot. This condition shows a slight preference to females over males. The frequency and severity of this injury is strong related to both obesity and activity. The pain will often report severe pain along the bottom of the heel. The pain is worse when walking, especially the first few steps when getting out of bed in the morning. Your chiropractor will perform adjustments to your heel and mid foot to help reduce the strain being put on your plantar fascia. Pain relieving therapy may also be performed to the foot or lower leg to help reduce pain and inflammation.
This is a common syndrome that consists of painful areas on the muscle that are elicited on pushing the muscle. They are commonly referred to as trigger points. They have been described in all age groups but are predominate between the ages of 30-60 years old. Prevalence of this declines with age. It affects men and women equally. Palpation of these trigger points can cause a referral in symptoms to other areas. Underlying factors such as ergonomics at the work place or sitting for long periods of time can cause muscles to be deconditioned and cause pain. Trigger point therapy and manual massage may be used by your chiropractor to help relieve some of this muscle tension and pain. Manipulation will also be used to restore motion to joints to help facilitate the loosening of the muscle.
Neck pain is a common complaint of many who enter the chiropractic office. The pain is often localized with known cause. Pain is usually worstupon waking in the morning or at the end of the day. Pain is typically worse in the morning due to old or improper pillows or mattresses that contribute to their symptoms when sleeping at night. Neck pain is typically worse at the end of the day for individuals with desk jobs where they do a lot of sitting and have bad desk ergonomics. Text neck has also been a popular term used now to describe the strain on our neck that constant phone use causes. Your chiropractor can help find what joints are restricted that are causing your neck pain. Once the motions in these joints are restored, patients will start to see pain levels decrease.
Hip pain is a common area of pain that affects many individuals usually at about age 50. Pain is common on the front of the hip, due to dysfunction of the hip flexor where is attaches to the hip.Pain is also common along the outside of the hip, due to weakness in the outer hip muscles that attach to the hip and control that movement.Due to the close relation of these muscles with the lower back, pain is often experienced in both areas. The patient will often present with pain and a limp while walking due to the discomfort. They will also have pain or be limited when extending their hip backwards.Many times your sacroiliac joint will refer pain to your hip, so it is important for your chiropractor to evaluate you to determine where you pain is coming from.Adjustments to the hip, SI joints or lower back will help relieve the affected hip of pain.
In January 2013, the Mayo Clinic reported that lower back pain is the #3 reason for people to visit their primary care doctor. Patients with lower back pain can present with pain that started that day or more commonly with pain that has developed over time. This pain comes on as the core muscles become deconditioned and other muscles must work harder to stabilize the spine, resulting in injury. Core muscles become deconditioned from daily activities that result in excessive sitting, squatting or lifting. Once these core muscles become deconditioned, muscle imbalances will result, commonly causing weakness in your glutes and tightness in your hip flexors. These muscle imbalances can cause misalignment in your lower back and hips resulting in your pain. Your chiropractor can find what joints are affected and work to correct those to help ease your pain. Stretches and exercises can also be prescribed to help prevent the problem from returning.
The patient will usually present with an abrupt onset of pain after a sudden misjudged movement or pain upon rising from a flexed position.Pain is usually well localized to the lower back, but pain can radiate to the hip or buttock.Extending (bending backwards)the affected area will make the symptoms worse.Pain is usually less in the morning and gets worse with movements and activity.This condition is not prevalent in a certain gender or age group.Your chiropractor will assess which joints are being affected and can provide the proper flexion needed at that joint.Once more flexion is introduced at the joint; pain and inflammation levels will go down.
Disc herniations can occur throughout the spine, but are most common in the neck or lower back.This usually occurs in the 30-50 age group. The pain can come on suddenly, with minimal provocation such as flexing forward, lifting, sneezing or coughing.The patient will usually report a sudden onset of pain that often radiates into the buttock or down the leg to the toes.The effect of the symptoms will often cause the patient to lean towards one position that helps decrease their discomfort (referred to an as antalgic position).Pain is typically worse in the morning.Sitting and flexion of the spine increase pain.Official confirmation of a disc herniation is made via MRI.Chiropractors can help ease your pain and discomfort through manipulation of the tight joints that are a result of this injury.Once more motion is returned to your joints, exercises and other pain modalities can be used to reduce the herniation.
In 2013, The Mayo Clinic listed arthritis, or degenerative joint disease, as the 2nd most common reason to visit your health care provider. Patients in their 50s-70s commonly report it as a problem. It affects the neck, mid back or lower back. They report stiffness in the spine that is worse in the morning but gets better throughout the day. There is generally a lack of range of motion found at the affected region. It is more prevalent in males, but also commonly experienced by women. Chiropractors can help provide an increase in range of motion to the areas that are degenerated as well as provided suggestions on daily activities that may be contributing to your problems. X-rays are commonly performed by your doctor to determine how much degeneration is present.
Headaches are acommon cause of discomfort in many people and present in many different ways. Cluster headaches are severe headaches that occur often with pain typically located around one of the eyes. Tension headaches are described as a tight band around the head. Migraine headaches are typically located on one side of the head. They are very painful and can sometimes be associated with an aura. These auras include blurry vision, light sensitivity and nausea or vomiting. Headaches are more prevalent in middle-aged women. The patient will present with localized discomfort in the upper neck and skull and a limited range of motion in the cervical spine. Tenderness is elicited on palpation of the musculature in the cervical spine and upper shoulders. Multiple factors trigger headaches, including lack of mobility in the joints of the cervical spine, postural stresses such as sitting at a desk for long periods of time, low blood sugar, poor sleep patterns, dehydration and reactions to certain foods such as red wine and chocolate. Chiropractic care can help correct dysfunctions in the cervical spine that may be contributing to your headaches. Your doctor will also help you determine if other factors may cause your headaches and how to modify those to decrease your symptoms.